Flight Certifiable Actuation
Salient motor control magic underpins every product we ship. The reusability of our
control firmware and hardware drastically decreases the design, certification, and
production costs of Salient Motion components. We partner with Aerospace OEMs and
Tier 1 suppliers to deliver critical actuation solutions for legacy and next generation

The hardware, firmware, and software required to reliably spin a motor drive almost every electromechanical subsystem on an aircraft. Vertically integrating on motion control lets us reuse engineering across multiple product categories.

An initial focus on non-safety critical components allows us to compete for new business quickly, while building out our library of certified development modules. Our modules currently accommodate Design Assurance Levels C-E.
Need Actuation Solutions?
Salient Motion delivers flight certifiable hardware at off the shelf speed and cost. We can build to your unique requirements, fundamentally changing cost of ownership.